Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Parkinsons Drug Alleged to Cause Compulsive Behavior

At least 230 North Americans, including two unnamed Michiganders, have contacted lawyers in California and Ontario about joining class actions that allege Mirapex caused them to gamble, have sex, shop and eat compulsively.
"Gambling, shopping, sexual and eating, those are the biggest four, but there's a slew of other ones," said Daniel Kodam, a California lawyer, about the compulsive behaviors reported. He represents plaintiffs in a U.S. lawsuit against the drug companies Pfizer Inc. in New York and Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals Inc. in Ingelheim, Germany. "People have become compulsive about knitting and painting their homes. We have people who have painted their homes 10 or 15 times over in the course of two months. ... And these are people with no history of this type of behavior."

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