Thursday, June 16, 2005

Lawmaker Revs Up Fair-Use Crusade

Rep. Rick Boucher is a rarity in Congress when it comes to digital media. He's taken the side of consumers -- not Hollywood and the music industry -- in the sundry controversies surrounding digital entertainment.
When it comes to file sharing, Boucher says he'll fight attempts to stifle it.
He thinks tech companies shouldn't be held liable for products that can be used for unlawful purposes, like pirating media.
He says the balance of copyright law has tipped too far toward the entertainment companies' interests, hampering consumers' rights to use digital media.
And he wants government sponsorship of universal broadband.
While other lawmakers have long-standing relationships with the entertainment industry, whose chief concern is piracy, Boucher sees his pro-technology policies as a way to further education, communication and job creation.

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