Saturday, September 17, 2005

Bush Waxes Rhapsodic Over God's Plans for New Orleans

"In the life of our nation, we have seen that wondrous things are possible when we act with God's grace," Bush said in his weekly radio address. "From the rubble of destroyed homes we can see the beginnings of vibrant new neighborhoods. From the despair of lives torn asunder we can see the hope of rebirth. And from the depth of darkness we can see a bright dawn emerging over the Gulf Coast and the great city of New Orleans."
With Thursday night's speech from the heart of New Orleans' French Quarter and while marking Friday's national day of prayer for Hurricane Katrina's victims, the president has begun turning more frequently to religious language as he seeks to comfort suffering evacuees and guide the nation forward.
He often speaks easily of the strength that his faith provides him and talks humbly of his place before God. When big moments require big rhetoric, the famously plainspoken Bush seems the most comfortable with soaring language that is tinged with religious overtones.

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