In the film Fight Club, the real name of the protagonist (Ed Norton’s character) is never revealed. Many believe the reason behind this anonymity is to give "Jack" more of an everyman quality. Do not be deceived. "Jack" is really Calvin from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. It’s true. Norton portrays the grown-up version of Calvin, while Brad Pitt plays his imaginary pal, Hobbes, reincarnated as Tyler Durden.
1 comment:
Ed Norton and Brad Pitt were the same person. They were both Tyler Durden. Jack was the monacre of the person in the third person essays that Ed Norton found while trolling the essays in the basement of the "off the grid" mansion they were squatting in. When Norton had a visceral reaction later in the film, he used the phrase "I am Jack's raging bile duct" or "I am Jack's (somthing) sense of rejection." He was using the same vernacular as the essays he read to make his point.
The name on the plane tickets Tyler Durden, Helena Bonham Carter refers to Norton as Tyler Durden later in the film. They were Tyler Durden.
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