Saturday, February 11, 2006
U.S. Concludes 'Cyber Storm' Mock Attacks
Participants confirmed parts of the worldwide simulation challenged government officials and industry executives to respond to deliberate misinformation campaigns and activist calls by Internet bloggers, online diarists whose "Web logs" include political rantings and musings about current events.
The Internet survived, even against fictional abuses against the world's computers on a scale typical for Fox's popular "24" television series. Experts depicted hackers who shut down electricity in 10 states, failures in vital systems for online banking and retail sales, infected discs mistakenly distributed by commercial software companies and critical flaws discovered in core Internet technology.
Some mock attacks were aimed at causing a "significant cyber disruption" that could seriously damage energy, transportation and health care industries and undermine public confidence, said George Foresman, an undersecretary at the Homeland Security Department.
There was no impact on the real Internet during the weeklong exercise. Government officials from the United States, Canada, Australia and England and executives from Microsoft, Cisco, Verisign and others said they were careful to simulate attacks only using isolated computers, working from basement offices at the Secret Services headquarters in downtown Washington.
The Homeland Security Department promised a full report on results from the exercise by summer.
General faults U.S. on Iraqi military
Ex-U .N. inspector: Iran’s next
“We just don’t know when, but it’s going to happen,” Scott Ritter said to a crowd of about 150 at the James A. Little Theater on Sunday night.
Ritter described how the U.S. government might justify war with Iran in a scenario similar to the buildup to the Iraq invasion. He also argued that Iran wants a nuclearenergy program, and not nuclear weapons. But the Bush administration, he said, refuses to believe Iran is telling the truth.
He predicted the matter will wind up before the U.N. Security Council, which will determine there is no evidence of a weapons program. Then, he said, John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, “will deliver a speech that has already been written. It says America cannot allow Iran to threaten the United States and we must unilaterally defend ourselves.”
“How do I know this? I’ve talked to Bolton’s speechwriter,” Ritter said.
Judge takes Congress to task in bankruptcy case
In his ruling, Monroe said the new federal bankruptcy law is full of traps for consumers, calling some of its provisions "inane," "absurd" and incomprehensible to "any rational human being."
He stopped just short of accusing Congress of being bought and paid for, dryly noting, "Apparently, it is not the individual consumers of this country that make the donations to the members of Congress that allow them to be elected and re-elected and re-elected and re-elected."
Ordinarily, a case such as the Sosas', which primarily concerns a mobile home and land valued at $32,840, would quietly disappear into court archives.
But Monroe's order has caught fire in the world of bankruptcy and consumer law. It's being debated on law blogs and circulated across the country.
Many major media outlets continue to ignore story of missing White House emails
EFF: Google Copies Your Hard Drive - Government Smiles in Anticipation
U.S. Meat Supply at Risk of Mad Cow Disease
The report said it found cases where rules covering the slaughter of cattle were being ignored.
For example, 29 suspect cows were slaughtered at two of a dozen meatpacking plants reviewed in an audit. The report says the animals were incapable of walking, and at least 20 of them fell into the category of "downer" cows, animals whose condition can't be explained by injury. It is these "downer" cows that are considered to be the highest risk for mad cow disease.
A Letter to the American Left by Bernard-Henri Lévy
I know, of course, that the term "left" does not have the same meaning and ramifications here that it does in France.
And I cannot count how many times I was told there has never been an authentic "left" in the United States, in the European sense.
But at the end of the day, my progressive friends, you may coin ideas in whichever way you like. The fact is: You do have a right. This right, in large part thanks to its neoconservative battalion, has brought about an ideological transformation that is both substantial and striking.
Returning soldiers may face tests for exposure to depleted uranium
Depleted uranium was used for munitions in the Gulf War and to better armor some Abrams tanks. Gases given off by the firing of the ammunition have been said to create a mist or fog of radioactive material that can be inhaled and absorbed into the body, where bone, lymph, liver and other tissues store it.
Briefings to legislators describe the depleted uranium used in the munitions as coming from the leftover material when radioactive isotopes are removed from uranium for use in nuclear fuel.
Activists cite higher cancer rates in Europe’s Balkan war zones after uranium-238 enhanced munitions were used there in the early 1990s. They also cite anecdotal reports of soldiers exposed to the material who now suffer everything from headaches to chronic upper respiratory illnesses, heart attacks, chronic muscle aches and chronic diarrhea.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Intelligence, Policy,and the War in Iraq
The most serious problem with U.S. intelligence today is that its relationship with the policymaking process is broken and badly needs repair. In the wake of the Iraq war, it has become clear that official intelligence analysis was not relied on in making even the most significant national security decisions, that intelligence was misused publicly to justify decisions already made, that damaging ill will developed between policymakers and intelligence officers, and that the intelligence community's own work was politicized. As the national intelligence officer responsible for the Middle East from 2000 to 2005, I witnessed all of these disturbing developments.
Public discussion of prewar intelligence on Iraq has focused on the errors made in assessing Saddam Hussein's unconventional weapons programs. A commission chaired by Judge Laurence Silberman and former Senator Charles Robb usefully documented the intelligence community's mistakes in a solid and comprehensive report released in March 2005. Corrections were indeed in order, and the intelligence community has begun to make them.
At the same time, an acrimonious and highly partisan debate broke out over whether the Bush administration manipulated and misused intelligence in making its case for war. The administration defended itself by pointing out that it was not alone in its view that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and active weapons programs, however mistaken that view may have been.
In this regard, the Bush administration was quite right: its perception of Saddam's weapons capacities was shared by the Clinton administration, congressional Democrats, and most other Western governments and intelligence services. But in making this defense, the White House also inadvertently pointed out the real problem: intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs did not drive its decision to go to war. A view broadly held in the United States and even more so overseas was that deterrence of Iraq was working, that Saddam was being kept "in his box," and that the best way to deal with the weapons problem was through an aggressive inspections program to supplement the sanctions already in place. That the administration arrived at so different a policy solution indicates that its decision to topple Saddam was driven by other factors -- namely, the desire to shake up the sclerotic power structures of the Middle East and hasten the spread of more liberal politics and economics in the region.
If the entire body of official intelligence analysis on Iraq had a policy implication, it was to avoid war -- or, if war was going to be launched, to prepare for a messy aftermath. What is most remarkable about prewar U.S. intelligence on Iraq is not that it got things wrong and thereby misled policymakers; it is that it played so small a role in one of the most important U.S. policy decisions in recent decades.
Just how far does this Abramoff stuff go?
Bush buried detailed Social Security privatization proposals in his budget
In the first year of private accounts, people would be allowed to divert up to 4 percent of their wages covered by Social Security into what Bush called "voluntary private accounts." The maximum contribution to such accounts would start at $1,100 annually and rise by $100 a year through 2016.
It's not clear how big a reduction in the basic benefit Social Security recipients would have to take in return for being able to set up these accounts, or precisely how the accounts would work.
Air Force Revises Guidelines on Religion
The revisions were welcomed by conservative Christians, who said the previous rules was too strict and lobbied the White House to change them.
Critics called the revisions a step backward and said they do nothing to protect the rights of most airmen.
The original guidelines were created after allegations that evangelical Christians at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs were imposing their views on others. Some Christian chaplains were accused of telling cadets to warn nonbelievers they would go to hell if they were not born-again Christians.
Ex-CIA Official: Bush Misused Intelligence to Justify War
Paul R. Pillar, who was the national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, acknowledges the U.S. intelligence agencies' mistakes in concluding that Hussein's government possessed weapons of mass destruction. But he said those misjudgments did not drive the administration's decision to invade.
"Official intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs was flawed, but even with its flaws, it was not what led to the war," Pillar wrote in the upcoming issue of the journal Foreign Affairs. Instead, he asserted, the administration "went to war without requesting -- and evidently without being influenced by -- any strategic-level intelligence assessments on any aspect of Iraq."
"It has become clear that official intelligence was not relied on in making even the most significant national security decisions, that intelligence was misused publicly to justify decisions already made, that damaging ill will developed between [Bush] policymakers and intelligence officers, and that the intelligence community's own work was politicized," Pillar wrote.
Surreal Q&A with Kansas Attourney General
Atty. Gen. Phill Kline: Thanks for the question Darrell. I have taken an oath to uphold the law - this is my role as Attorney General. Through the years there have been those who have engaged in civil disobedience against laws that they believe are morally supported - Rosa Parks is an example - they express their belief non-violently and take the consequences of their actions to prove a point. I respect such an effort if done in a non-violent manner. I, however, have the honor of serving as Attorney General and upholding the law and this is what I will do.
If you disagree with one of our state's laws you have the right and opportunity to seek change through the legislative process.
Thursday, February 09, 2006
Pastors hope to spread Gospel, hasten End Time
The Rapture and Second Coming of Jesus have always been the ultimate goal of evangelicalism. But when that would occur was any Christian's guess.
The Global Pastors Network's "Billion Souls Initiative" aims to shorten the path to Judgment Day by partnering church resources with the latest communications systems to spread the Gospel of Jesus.
In an interview at Faith Central Bible Church in Inglewood, James Davis, president of the campaign, said, "Jesus Christ commissioned his disciples to go to the ends of the Earth and tell everyone how they could achieve eternal life. As we advance around the world, we'll be shortening the time needed to fulfill that great commission.
"Then, the Bible says, the end will come."
Added Davis: "The current generation may actually live long enough to see this."
Faith Central Pastor Kenneth Ulmer, who leads an Inglewood congregation of 10,000, agreed, but said church leaders have differing opinions of what to expect.
Frist Secretly Slipped Immunity For Pharmaceutical Companies Into Defense Bill
The language was tucked into a Defense Department appropriations bill at the last minute without the approval of members of a House-Senate conference committee, say several witnesses, including a top Republican staff member.
In an interview, Frist, a doctor and Tennessee Republican, denied that the wording was added that way.
Trial lawyers and other groups condemn the law, saying it could make it nearly impossible for people harmed by a vaccine to force the drug maker to pay for their injuries.
Many in health care counter that the protection is needed to help build up the vaccine industry in the United States, especially in light of a possible avian flu pandemic.
US Plans Massive Data Sweep
So shut your mouth and shut down your blog if you don't want to end up on a list of people to be "neutralized" -- like Mario Savio, hounded for ten years despite never breaking a law. [from]
Qualification on Blogging
War of the Worlds in graphic novel format online
More of the Martian VS Terran mythos here. And don't forget the the upcoming musical!
Report: More than Half of Gitmo Detainees Not Accused of Hostile Acts
A new and statistical report, authored and released by Seton Hall Law Professor Mark Denbeaux and attorney Joshua Denbeaux, counsel to two of the detainees at Guantanamo, contains the first objective analysis of the background of those held at Guantanamo. The report is based entirely on data supplied by the Defense Department, and is intended to provide "a more detailed picture of who the Guantanamo detainees are, how they ended up there, and the purported bases for their enemy combatant designation."
The report, available here (pdf), finds that fewer than half of the 517 detainees whose histories were reviewed have been accused of hostile acts. These are the findings:
1. Fifty-five percent (55%) of the detainees are not determined to have committed any hostile acts against the United States or its coalition allies.[more]2. Only 8% of the detainees were characterized as al Qaeda fighters. Of the remaining detainees, 40% have no definitive connection with al Qaeda at all and 18% are have no definitive affiliation with either al Qaeda or the Taliban.
3. The Government has detained numerous persons based on mere affiliations with a large number of groups that in fact, are not on the Department of Homeland Security terrorist watchlist. Moreover, the nexus between such a detainee and such organizations varies considerably. Eight percent are detained because they are deemed "fighters for;" 30% considered "members of;" a large majority - 60% -- are detained merely because they are "associated with" a group or groups the Government asserts are terrorist organizations. For 2% of the prisoners their nexus to any terrorist group is unidentified.
4. Only 5% of the detainees were captured by United States forces. 86% of the detainees were arrested by either Pakistan or the Northern Alliance and turned over to United States custody. This 86% of the detainees captured by Pakistan or the Northern Alliance were handed over to the United States at a time in which the United States offered large bounties for capture of suspected enemies.
5. Finally, the population of persons deemed not to be enemy combatants - mostly Uighers - are in fact accused of more serious allegations than a great many persons still deemed to be enemy combatants.
Cheney 'Authorized' Libby to Leak Classified Information
Libby specifically claimed that in one instance he had been authorized to divulge portions of a then-still highly classified National Intelligence Estimate regarding Saddam Hussein's purported efforts to develop nuclear weapons, according to correspondence recently filed in federal court by special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald.
Beyond what was stated in the court paper, say people with firsthand knowledge of the matter, Libby also indicated what he will offer as a broad defense during his upcoming criminal trial: that Vice President Cheney and other senior Bush administration officials had earlier encouraged and authorized him to share classified information with journalists to build public support for going to war. Later, after the war began in 2003, Cheney authorized Libby to release additional classified information, including details of the NIE, to defend the administration's use of prewar intelligence in making the case for war.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
LAPD to Throw GPS Devices at Fleeing Cars
The department will mount the StarChase LLC device in the grill of some squad cars in the fall. "Officers in the car would control a green laser light, similar to an aiming device that fixes on your target," said LAPD Lieutenant Paul Vernon on Friday. "A small dart-like device is propelled from the officer's car."
Band of Brothers
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Halliburton Subsidiary Gets Contract to Add Temporary Immigration Detention Centers
KBR would build the centers for the Homeland Security Department for an unexpected influx of immigrants, to house people in the event of a natural disaster or for new programs that require additional detention space, company executives said. KBR, which announced the contract last month, had a similar contract with immigration agencies from 2000 to last year.
The contract with the Corps of Engineers runs one year, with four optional one-year extensions. Officials of the corps said that they had solicited bids and that KBR was the lone responder.
A spokeswoman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Jamie Zuieback, said KBR would build the centers only in an emergency like the one when thousands of Cubans floated on rafts to the United States. She emphasized that the centers might never be built if such an emergency did not arise.
Here Lies Love - A Song Cycle by David Byrne and Fatboy Slim
Here Lies Love – A Song Cycle deals with the life of Imelda Marcos, co-ruler of the Philippines in the 70s and 80s, as well as the life of Estrella Cumpas, the woman who raised her.
Through a series of songs written by David Byrne, with musical contributions from Fatboy Slim (Norman Cook), Here Lies Love – A Song Cycle presents Imelda Marcos meditating on events in her life, from her childhood spent in poverty and her rise to power to her ultimate departure from the palace. In particular, the production looks at the relationship between Imelda and a servant from her childhood, Estrella Cumpas, who appeared at key moments in Imelda's life.
Musical Listening Test
Bush's 2007 Budget Angers Republicans Too
Given the level of congressional frustration, administration witnesses, led by Treasury Secretary John Snow, were expected to face a tough sales job before various congressional committees on Tuesday.
Bush's spending blueprint for the 2007 budget year that begins Oct. 1 would provide large increases for the military and homeland security but would trim spending in the one-sixth of the budget that covers the rest of discretionary spending. Nine Cabinet agencies would see outright reductions with the biggest percentage cuts occurring in the departments of Transportation, Justice and Agriculture.
And in mandatory programs - so-called because the government must provide benefits to all who qualify - the president is seeking over the next five years savings of $36 billion in Medicare, $5 billion in farm subsidy programs, $4.9 billion in Medicaid support for poor children's health care and $16.7 billion in additional payments from companies to shore up the government's besieged pension benefit agency.
Russ Feingold Speech: Bush Broke the Law
The President was blunt, so I will be blunt: This program is breaking the law, and this President is breaking the law. Not only that, he is misleading the American people in his efforts to justify this program.
How is that worthy of applause? Since when do we celebrate our commander in chief for violating our most basic freedoms, and misleading the American people in the process? When did we start to stand up and cheer for breaking the law? In that moment at the State of the Union, I felt ashamed.
Congress has lost its way if we don’t hold this President accountable for his actions.
...The President was right about one thing. In his address, he said “We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it.”
Yes, Mr. President. We do love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it. We will fight to defeat the terrorists who threaten the safety and security of our families and loved ones. And we will fight to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans against intrusive government power.
As the President said, we must always be clear in our principles. So let us be clear: We cherish the great and noble principle of freedom, we will fight to keep it, and we will hold this President – and anyone who violates those freedoms – accountable for their actions. In a nation built on freedom, the President is not a king, and no one is above the law.
VIDEO: Rev. Lowery’s Standing Ovation

Speaking before four presidents, including President George W. Bush, Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery received a standing ovation today at the Coretta Scott King funeral. Watch it
We know now there were no weapons of mass destruction over there. [Standing Ovation] But Coretta knew and we know that there are weapons of misdirection right down here. Millions without health insurance. Poverty abounds. For war billions more but no more for the poor.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Interest in new brain-scanning technology is beginning to show a sinister side
Brain imaging has become familiar. Scanners, known by their initials - CAT, PET, MRI - began as clinical tools, enabling surgeons to identify potential tumours, the damage following a stroke or the diagnostic signs of incipient dementia. But neuroscientists quickly seized on their wider potential. The images of regions of the brain 'lighting up' when a person is thinking of their lover, imagining travelling from home to the shops, or solving a mathematical problem, have captured the imagination of researchers and public alike. What if they could do more?
Dude, Where’s My Advertising? 10 Disturbing Trends in Subliminal Persuasion
For a good book on this, read the very good "Coercion" by Douglas Rushkoff - McLir
Plame Was Still Covert at Time of CIA Leak
The pages provide new details relating to grand jury testimony -- or hoped-for testimony -- provided by journalists Matt Cooper, Judith Miller, Tim Russert, and Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff, Lewis "Scooter" Libby.
Newsweek reported Sunday that the court papers could put holes in the defense of Libby in the Valerie Plame case.
Lawyers for Libby, and White House allies, "have repeatedly questioned whether Plame, the wife of White House critic Joe Wilson, really had covert status when she was outed to the media in July 2003," Newsweek's Michael Isikoff notes. "But special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald found that Plame had indeed done 'covert work overseas' on counterproliferation matters in the past five years, and the CIA 'was making specific efforts to conceal' her identity, according to newly released portions of a judge's opinion."
The Nation: The End of the Internet?
Verizon, Comcast, Bell South and other communications giants are developing strategies that would track and store information on our every move in cyberspace in a vast data-collection and marketing system, the scope of which could rival the National Security Agency. According to white papers now being circulated in the cable, telephone and telecommunications industries, those with the deepest pockets--corporations, special-interest groups and major advertisers--would get preferred treatment. Content from these providers would have first priority on our computer and television screens, while information seen as undesirable, such as peer-to-peer communications, could be relegated to a slow lane or simply shut out.
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Outrage at attacks on NASA science
Here’s the money quote, folks, the part that has me so outraged. Sitting down? You’ll need to be.
In October, for example, George Deutsch, a presidential appointee in NASA headquarters, told a Web designer working for the agency to add the word “theory” after every mention of the Big Bang, according to an e-mail message from Mr. Deutsch that another NASA employee forwarded to The Times.
Maybe, just maybe, you’re thinking, Deutsch is just being pedantic over what to call the Big Bang, since it is in fact a scientific theory. Maybe you’re thinking this has nothing at all to do with a perversion of science.
But you’d be wrong.
The Big Bang memo came from Mr. Deutsch, a 24-year-old presidential appointee in the press office at NASA headquarters whose résumé says he was an intern in the “war room” of the 2004 Bush-Cheney re-election campaign. A 2003 journalism graduate of Texas A&M, he was also the public-affairs officer who sought more control over Dr. Hansen’s public statements.
In October 2005, Mr. Deutsch sent an e-mail message to Flint Wild, a NASA contractor working on a set of Web presentations about Einstein for middle-school students. The message said the word “theory” needed to be added after every mention of the Big Bang.
The Big Bang is “not proven fact; it is opinion,” Mr. Deutsch wrote, adding, “It is not NASA’s place, nor should it be to make a declaration such as this about the existence of the universe that discounts intelligent design by a creator.”
Emphasis, once again, is mine.
Now gee, why would that statement make me angry? Why would a NASA politically-appointed employee suppressing science, gagging a scientist, and trying to insert a narrow religious (and demonstrably wrong– the Big Bang is most certainly not a matter of "opinion" ) viewpoint into government educational activities get me so angry I could hop in a plane right now, fly to DC, and testify before Congress about these insane actions against the core of what we know to be true?
Surveillance Net Yields Few Suspects
Bush has recently described the warrantless operation as "terrorist surveillance" and summed it up by declaring that "if you're talking to a member of al Qaeda, we want to know why." But officials conversant with the program said a far more common question for eavesdroppers is whether, not why, a terrorist plotter is on either end of the call. The answer, they said, is usually no.
Fewer than 10 U.S. citizens or residents a year, according to an authoritative account, have aroused enough suspicion during warrantless eavesdropping to justify interception of their domestic calls, as well.
Powell Aide: I Participated in a Hoax
My Little Music Video Museum

This page has more than doubled. Thematic updates to arrive soon...
In the future, everyone will be a curator for 15 minutes.
-- McLir
My Little Music Video Museum
by Smashing Pumpkins
21st Century Digital Boy
by Bad Religion
by Nena
by the Steve Miller Band
by the Residents
Addicted to Love
by Robert Palmer
by Brian Eno and David Byrne
American Life (unedited)
by Madonna
by Talking Heads
by Lenny Kravitz
by Jihad Jerry and the Evildoers
Army of Me
by Bjork
Ashes to Ashes
by David Bowie
by George Clinton
by Bjork
Back on the Chain Gang
by the Pretenders
Bad Boys
by Wham
by Green Day
Beat It
by Michael Jackson
by Kim Carnes
Big Time
by Peter Gabriel
by They Might Be Giants
Bohemian Rhapsody
by Queen
by Madonna
by Bruce Springsteen
edit to Negativland (very disturbing)
by Don Henley
Buddy Holly
by Weezer
Burning Down the House
by Talking Heads
by Younh MC
by Wax
Call Me Al
by Paul Simon
by the Breeders
by the Beatles
by Elastica
by Frank Zappa
Close to Me
by the Cure
Close to the Edit
by Art of Noise
Coffee & TV
by Blur
Nine Inch Nails
by Stevie Ray Vaughan
Come Dancing
by the Kinks
Come on Eileen
by Dexie's Midnight Runners
by Paul McCartney
by Sparks and Jame Weidlin
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
by Queen
Crosseyed and Painless
by Talking Heads
Dear God
by XTC
Dear Prudence
by Siouxsie and the Banshees
by the White Stripes
by Cake
by Band Aid
by Lauryn Hill
Don't Come Around Here No More
by Tom Petty
Don’t Let’s Start
by They Might Be Giants
Down Under (popup)
by Men at Work
Eat It
by Weird Al Yannkovic
Egg -
by They Might be Giants
by the Beatles
Electronic Behavior Control System
by Emergency Broadcast Network
The End of the World as We Know it
by REM
by Thomas Dolby
Every Breath You Take
by the Police
Everything is Everything
by Lauryn Hill
Express Yourself
by Madonna
by George Michael
by Dinosaur Jr.
Fell in Love with a Girl
by the White Stripes
Fight for Your Right (to Party)
by the Beastie Boys
Fight the Power
by Public Enemy
by Stevie Wonder
by Jimi Hendrix
by Barnes & Barnes
For the Longest Time
by Billy Joel
by Electric Six
by Tom Tom Club
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
by Cyndi Lauper
Girls on Film (unedited)
by Duran Duran
Give it Away
by the Red Hot Chili Peppers
by Lindsey Buckingham
Goody Two Shoes
by Adam Ant
by XTC
by Jerry Lee Lewis (1969)
Head Over Heals
by Tears for Fears
Heart Shaped Box
by Nirvana
by the Beatles
Hold Me
by Fleetwood Mac
Hot for Teacher
by Van Halen
How Soon is Now?
by the Smiths
Human Behavior
by Bjork
Hungry Like the Wolf
by Duran Duran
by Bjork
by Johnny Cash
by Thomas Dolby
I am the Walrus
by the Beatles
I Don’t Like Mondays
by the Boomtown Rats
by Tom Waits
I Lost on Jeopardy
by Weird Al Yankovic
I Love Rock and Roll
by Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
by Cake
by Captain Beefheart
I'm Down
by the Beatles
In Bloom
by Nirvana
by They Might Be Giants
by Men at Work
It's All About the Pentiums
by Weird Al Yankovic
It's O So Quiet
by Bjork
by the Greg Kihn Band
by Bjork
by Radiohead
by No Doubt
by Prince
by Cibo Matto (incomplete)
by Talking Heads
by Yes
Let Forever Be
by the Chemical Brothers
Let’s Dance
by David Bowie
by Prince
by Thompson Twins
by David Bowie
Like a Rolling Stone
by the Rolling Stones
Like a Virgin
by Madonna
by Prince
by Beck
Losing My Religion
by REM
by the Cure
by Talking Heads
Love is a Battlefield
by Pat Benatar
by Grace Jones
by Sigue Sigue Sputnik
by B-52's
Lucas with the Lid Off
by Lucas
by John Lennon and Yoko Ono
by Peter Schilling
by XTC
Material Girl
by Madonna
Mayor of Simpleton
by XTC
by Toni Basil
by the Residents
Money for Nothing
by Dire Straits
by Eminem
by Boyz II Men
by Beck
by Blind Melon
by Talking Heads
Nowhere Man
by the Beatles
by They Might Be Giants
Once in a Lifetime
by Talking Heads
by the Fixx
Our House
by Madness
Owner of a Lonely Heart
by Yes
Paperback Writer
by the Beatles
by Fishbone
by Siouxsie and the Banshees
Penny Lane
by the Beatles
by Depeche Mode
by Depeche Mode
by Art of Noise
by Pantera
by Re-Flex
Pop Goes the World
by Men Without Hats
by Fatboy Slim
by Billy Joel
by Stevie Ray Vaughan (Unplugged)
by Elvis Costello
Punk Rock Girl
by the Dead Milkmen
Purple Haze
by Jimi Hendrix
R U Experienced?
by Devo
by Prince
Ray of Light
by Madonna
by Basement Jaxx
The Reflex
by Duran Duran
by Frankie Goes to Hollywood
by the Beatles
by Duran Duran
Road to Nowhere
by Talking Heads
Rock Lobster
by the B-52's
Rock Me Amadeus
by Falco
Rock the Casbah
by the Clash
by Stray Cats
by Herbie Hancock
by the Beastie Boys
by Men Without Hats
by the Fixx
by Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson
by the Honeydrippers
Senses Working Overtime
by XTC
Sharkey's Day
by Laurie Anderson
She Blinded Me with Science
by Thomas Dolby
by Cyndi Lauper
Shiny Happy People
by REM
by Peter Gabriel
by Toni Basil
by Peter Gabriel
by Eminem
Smells Like Teen Spirit
by Nirvana
by Tool
by Power Station
by Rockwell
by Level 42
Space Oddity (1969)
by David Bowie
Stand and Deliver
by Adam and the Ants
Star Guitar
by the Chemical Brothers
Star Spangled Banner
by Jimi Hendrix
by They Might Be Giants
Strawberry Fields Forever
by the Beatles
Stray Cat Strut
by Stray Cats
Subterranean Homesick Blues
by Bob Dylan
Sugar Water
by Cibo Matto
Sultans of Swing
by Dire Straits
Sunny Afternoon
by the Kinks
by Guns N' Roses
Sympathy for the Devil
by the Rolling Stones
Tainted Love
by Coil
Take on Me
by A-Ha
by Daft Punk
by Tracey Ullman
They'll Need a Crane
by They Might Be Giants
by Michael Jackson
by Devo
by Smashing Pumpkins
by Bonnie Tyler
by Fleetwood Mac
TV Party
by Black Flag
Twilight Zone
by Golden Earring
by Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Under Pressure
by Queen and David Bowie
by Ben Fold Five
by Elvis Costello
Video Killed the Radio Star
by the Buggles
by Jamiroquai
by 'til tuesday
Walk This Way
by Run DMC and Aerosmith
We Didn't Start the Fire
by Billy Joel
We're Not Gonna Take it
by Twisted Sister
Weapon of Choice
by Fatboy Slim with Christopher Walken
by Prince
While My Ukulele Gently Weeps
by Jake Shimabukuro
by Eminem
by Billy Idol
by Information Society
Whoever You Are
by Geggy Tah
by Eminem
Wrapped Around Your Finger
by the Police
You Might Think
by the Cars
by the Cranberries