Foreign Secretary Jack Straw Memo PDF scanned document Plain text transcriptionMarch 25, 2002 memo from Jack Straw (UK Foreign Secretary) to Tony Blair in preparation for Blair’s visit to Bush’s Crawford ranch, covering Iraq-al Qaida linkage, legality of invasion, weapons inspectors and post-war considerations.
British Foreign Office Political Director Peter Ricketts Letter PDF scanned document Plain text transcriptionMarch 22, 2002 memo from Peter Ricketts (Political Director, UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office) to Jack Straw (UK Foreign Secretary) providing Ricketts’ advice for the Prime Minister on issues of the threat posed by Iraq, connections to al Qaida, post-war considerations and working with the UN.
British Ambassador Christopher Meyer Letter PDF scanned document Plain text transcriptionMarch 18, 2002 memo from Christopher Meyer (UK ambassador to the US) to David Manning (UK Foreign Policy Advisor) recounting Meyer’s meeting with Paul Wolfowitz (US Deputy Secretary of Defense).
Chief Foreign Policy Advisor David Manning Memo PDF scanned document Plain text transcriptionMarch 14, 2002 memo from David Manning (UK Foreign Policy Advisor) to Tony Blair recounting Manning’s meetings with his US counterpart Condoleeza Rice (National Security Advisor), and advising Blair for his upcoming visit to Bush’s Crawford ranch.
Iraq Options PDF scanned documentMarch 8, 2002 memo from Overseas and Defence Secretariat Cabinet Office outlining military options for implementing regime change.
Iraq: Legal Background PDF scanned document Plain text transcriptionMarch 8, 2002 memo from UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office (office of Jack Straw, Foreign Secretary) to Tony Blair advising him on the legality of the use of force against Iraq.
Cabinet Office briefing paper: Conditions for military action The Times of London, June 12, 2005 Plain text transcription July 22, 2002 briefing paper, generated for participants for the secret meeting of Blair’s inner circle on
July 23, 2002, says that since regime change was illegal it was “necessary to create the conditions” which would make it legal.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice The Times of London, June 19, 2005 Plain text transcription This is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office legal advice appended as Annex A to the
Cabinet Office briefing paper on Iraq of July 21, 2002. This advice was originally written in March 2002..
Goldsmith Legal Opinion The Guardian, April 28, 2005 PDF scanned documentMarch 7, 2003 formerly confidential paper detailing British Attorney General Lord Goldsmith's advice on the legality of the Iraq war. The government had previously resisted all attempts to secure its release.
Wilmshurst resignation letter (uncensored version) BBC, March 24, 2005March 18, 2003 minute from Elizabeth Wilmshurst, Deputy Legal Adviser to the Foreign Office, to Michael Wood (The Legal Adviser), copied to the Private Secretary, the Private Secretary to the Permanent Under-Secretary, Alan Charlton (Director Personnel) and Andrew Patrick (Press Office). Wilmshurst resigned in March 2003 because she did not believe the war with Iraq was legal. Her letter was released by the Foreign Office to the BBC News website under the Freedom of Information Act.
"Press line" document regarding Wilmshurst resignation
Foreign and Commonwealth Office pdf link
March 18, 2003 press line document regarding Foreign Office deputy legal adviser, Elizabeth Wilmshurst's resignation after 20 years’ service on the point of whether military action in Iraq without proper UN security council authorisation was lawful under international law.