Authority for conducting the matching: Computerized access tothe Selective Service Registrant Registration Records (SSS 10) enablesED to confirm the registration status of applicants for assistanceunder Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended(20 U.S.C. 1070 et seq.). Section 12(f) of the Military SelectiveService Act, as amended [50 U.S.C. App. 462(f)], denies eligibility forany form of assistance or benefit under Title IV of the HEA to anyperson required to present himself for and submit to registration underSection 3 of the Military Selective Service System Act [50 U.S.C. App.453] who fails to do so in accordance with that section and any rulesand regulations issued under that section. In addition, Section12(f)(2) of the Military Selective Service System Act specifies thatany person required to present himself for and submit to registrationunder Section 3 of the Military Selective Service System Act must filea statement with the institution of higher education where the personintends to attend or is attending that he is in compliance with theMilitary Selective Service System Act. Furthermore, Section 12(f)(3) ofthe Military Selective Service System Act authorizes the Secretary ofEducation, in agreement with the Director of the Selective Service, toprescribe methods for verifying the statements of compliance filed bystudents.
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