Monday, March 28, 2005

Conference: Nat'l Conference for Media Reform: Last chance for early discount

The National Conference for Media Reform is just six weeks away -- and it's bound to be one of the most exciting and inspiring events of the year.
Your presence couldn't be more crucial. Over the next couple of years, policymakers will make decisions that will determine the future of our media. Industry lobbyists are dedicating millions of dollars to lobby, litigate and lie their way toward rules that will bring Big Media more power and profits. We need your help to educate and mobilize millions of citizens to take on powerful corporations and defend the public interest.
Join us in St. Louis on May 13-15 to gather momentum for this fight.
Register now - the early bird registration discount ends this Thursday, March 31. Go to to learn more and register online.
At the conference, you'll meet hundreds of activists, academics, media makers and concerned citizens from around the country. You'll hear speeches by renowned guests like Amy Goodman, Jim Hightower, Naomi Klein and Al Franken, as well as FCC commissioners and members of Congress.
You'll choose from dozens of panels and workshops on media consolidation, grassroots activism, globalization, independent media, commercialism, Community Internet, and much more. And you'll get the information, inspiration and contacts you need to take your media activism to the next level.

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