Monday, June 20, 2005

DoD Defends Guantanamo with Info from Mohamed al Kahtani

More importantly, he [Mohamed al Kahtani] provided valuable intelligence information helping the U.S. to understand the recruitment of terrorist operatives, logistics, and other planning aspects of the 9/11 terrorist attack. He also provided information that:
* Clarified Jose Padilla’s and Richard Reid’s relationship with al-Qaida and their activities in Afghanistan
* Provided infiltration routes and methods used by al-Qaida to cross borders undetected
* Explained how Osama Bin Laden evaded capture by U.S. forces, as well as provided important information on his health
* Provided detailed information about 30 of Osama Bin Laden’s bodyguards who are also held at Guantanamo
Guantanamo houses enemy combatants ranging from terrorist trainers and recruiters to bomb makers, would-be suicide bombers and terrorist financiers. Guantanamo provides a strategic interrogation center where enemy combatants can be questioned and where the results of those interrogations has undoubtedly produced information that has saved the lives of U.S. and coalition forces in the field as well as thwarted threats posed to innocent citizens in this country and abroad.

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