Thursday, September 15, 2005

CRS Looks at Replacing Nuclear Warheads with Conventional Warheads on ICBM's [PDF]

The United States has deployed long-range ballistic missiles as a part of its strategic offensive nuclear forces for more than 40 years. In recent years, analysts both inside and outside the government have suggested that the United States deploy conventional warheads on these missiles. This would provide the United States with the ability to strike promptly anywhere in the world, regardless of the presence of overseas bases or nearby naval forces.
The United States could use medium or long-range aircraft or sea-based cruise missiles or ballistic missiles to contribute to the prompt global strike (PGS) mission. However, only long-range ballistic missiles have the range and prompt attack capability needed to strike suddenly at the start of an unanticipated conflict. The Air Force and Navy have both studied the possible deployment of conventional warheads on their long-range ballistic missiles. The Navy sought funding, in FY2003 and FY2004, for research into a reentry vehicle that would be able to maneuver when approaching its target. The improved accuracy would allow effective strikes with conventional warheads. Congress refused to fund the project, but the contractors have continued some research into the program. The Air Force is pursuing, with DARPA, research into a number of technologies that might enhance the U.S. longrange strike capability. In particular, it is developing a hypersonic glide vehicle, known as the Common Aero Vehicle (CAV), that could carry conventional munitions and be deployed on modified Minuteman II or Peacekeeper missiles.

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