Friday, January 21, 2005

The Monkey Shakespeare Simulator

Become part of the largest ever experiment to see if this is true! Every time you display this page, you are automatically participating in the Monkey Shakespeare project. Your computer is put to work to simulate a number of monkeys typing randomly on typewriters, and each page typed is checked against every play Shakespeare ever wrote!
The longer you display this page, the longer the simulator runs, and the better the chance you have of beating the record!

After 3 days - simulating over 4,293,150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (4.3 duodecillion or 4.3x10^39) years, my simulated monkeys' biggest contribution was:

Kent. I thought the Kin

23 consecutive letters corresponds to this passege from King Lear:

Kent. I thought the King had more affected the
Duke of Albany, then Cornwall

The current record for the simulator is record is 24 letters. - McLir

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