Sunday, April 24, 2005

The Ten Judges

Of Bush's 215 nominees for federal court, Democrats are blocking ten. They are: Miguel Estrada, Priscilla Owen, Charles Pickering, Henry Saad, Richard Griffin, David McKeague, Janice Rogers Brown, Carolyn Kuhl, William Myers and Bill Pryor.
It is over these nominees that Republicans are
- considering the "nuclear option" to end filibuster for judicial nominations
- and, with Christian right groups, organizing the "Justice Sunday" rally to paint Democrats as anti-Christian bigots.
Who are these nominees and why are they meeting objections?
The advocacy project Save Our Courts (a part of has outlined their opposition to most of the nominees with reference to specific cases. For most of the nominees, the opposition is over the judges' disregard for civli rights, anti-discrimination laws and for favoring corporate interests over individual rights.
For a defense of the judicial nominees, QandO Blog offers an interesting exchange where a defender of the nominees answers objections from one of his readers. -- McLir

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