Sunday, May 08, 2005

On the Media: Fighting for Documents

[MP3] A year ago last week, the world was confronted for the first time with images of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib. Ever since, the American Civil Liberties Union has worked to keep the spotlight on allegations of torture at American military facilities. Unfortunately for the group, additional photos were never released by the Pentagon. Brooke talks to ACLU media relations director Emily Whitfield about what it takes to keep a story alive.
Also: FOIA'd Again
Last week, the Defense Department released hundreds of official military photos depicting honor guard ceremonies for soldiers killed at war. The Pentagon originally denied a FOIA request for the images, but relented in the face of a lawsuit. Last year, Bob got this primer on filing FOIA requests from online muckraker Russ Kick, whose own FOIA request for photos of returning caskets had just been granted... by mistake.

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