Saturday, July 30, 2005

US Army Chemical Corps Documents

In 1951, the Army's Chemical Corps summarized its mission: "The present day mission of the Chemical Corps...includes responsibility for the defensive and offensive aspects of biological and chemical warfare, the latter comprising incendiary and smoke activities as well as those of gas; and the defensive aspects of radiological warfare. The Chemical Corps develops, manufactures, procures and supplies material pertaining to these types of warfare, and provides technical supervision of the training of the Army within those fields." — "Summary History of the Chemical Corps" (October 1951), pages 2-3
Now that it's illegal for the US to develop or possess biological or chemical weapons for offensive purposes, the Corps' mission is all about defense (except for smoke and flame weapons, which still can be developed and used). But the documents we'll be posting here are from the days when the US had an openly admitted, offensive chem/bioweapons program.

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