Monday, September 26, 2005

New angle makes trigonometry rational

The mathematical study of triangles has just got a whole lot simpler, according to a researcher who says his new theory of trigonometry is easier to use and more accurate.
Norman Wildberger from the University of New South Wales says his theory of "rational trigonometry" is more like algebra, as you can plug numbers into an equation and get an accurate result.
...Instead of distance, Wildberger's trigonometry uses a concept called "quandrance", the square of distance.
Instead of angle, he uses the concept of "spread", calculated by dividing one quadrance by another.
The spread between two lines is a number between zero (representing parallel lines) and one (representing lines at right angles).
Associate Professor Wildberger says it would be possible to make a new protractor that measures spread instead of angle.
You would then plug the values for the quadrance and spread into his set of equations.

An explanation is available at Wikipedia.

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