Thursday, April 21, 2005

Democrats Blocking Changes to Ethics Rules

With rank-and-file Republicans showing increasing unease about an impasse paralyzing the House ethics committee, the panel's chairman pledged on Wednesday to begin an immediate investigation into the conduct of Representative Tom DeLay if Democrats dropped their opposition to new ethics rules.
"We are all prepared to vote at the earliest opportunity to impanel an investigation subcommittee to review various allegations concerning travel and other actions by Mr. DeLay," said the chairman, Representative Doc Hastings, Republican of Washington, who was accompanied by three of the four other Republicans on the panel.
Democrats quickly rejected the overture, saying Mr. Hastings's personal guarantee of the inquiry and other adjustments to the disputed rules were insufficient. Democratic leaders said the proposed compromise would still leave in place new rules that they say undermine ethics enforcement and allow party-line dismissal of complaints.

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