Thursday, April 14, 2005

GOP Flak Front Offers Opening Salvo for Drumming Up an Iranian War

This spectacularly alarmist propaganda comes to us courtesy of a site registered to Robert Hahn, Executive Director of the AEI-Brookings Joint Center and a Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. But the registration fails to mention any institutions.
It is based on a book by Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, who lied to us via Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

According to the site:
The IFF is made up of American and Iranian scholars, professionals, philanthropists and human rights advocates who have joined together to support the rights of the Iranian people.
The IFF was incorporated February 3, 2005 in Delaware and began activities on February 15. The IFF offices are located at:
1211 Connecticut Ave., NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20006
You can also contact us at

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