Thursday, April 07, 2005

Officer's Photojournal of Finding Weapons Caches in Tikrit

Assaulting islands on the Tigris River, defusing roadside bombs, collecting guerillas' weapons caches -- it's all in a couple week's work for one Army unit, stationed in Tikrit. Random Probabilities has the first-hand account, plus a slew of pics. (via Winds of Change) [from]
"The most significant activities that have taken place in the city of Tikrit involve the discoveries of weapons / explosive caches as well as IEDs in our city. Obviously the IEDs represent the most significant threat to our safety. The valuable intelligence we receive from both the local citizens as well as the Iraqi security forces (Army and police) have proven to be extremely effective, resulting in no IEDs being detonated on us before we discover them. I have attached some pictures..."

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