One can often sum up the "Social architecture" - the spatial / temporal organisation of everyday life- to: people do the same things at the same time, living in "loops".
loopcity is a subjective description of the city as a set of repeating actions and events. "A space composed of closed loops, intersecting each other. Each loop is a thematic entity, a story: a stroll through the shelves of a local supermarket. Looking for a free place in a parking lot. A tourists guide round through a district. A hotel maid's morning round.
loopcity’s concept of space is topological and relativistic – the lengths of each strand don't have to correspond to its accurate metric length in real space. They can be scaled by its temporal length or by the amount of information contained within."
Contributions are welcome!
Author: Dietmar Offenhuber. His works are part of Randonnée (A Walk Through 21st Century Landscaping) which analyzes the margins of actual possibility of landscape through new media. June 16-18, Sonar Festival, Barcelona.
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