Saturday, May 21, 2005

Reports on Taser Use Declared Secret

In the wake of Globe requests for reports on the use of force by police officers, the city of Joplin on Friday did an about-face, declaring reports on officer use of Taser guns also off-limits to public scrutiny.
A state press association lawyer termed the city's justification for the move questionable, and an official with a civil-rights organization said more secrecy adds to the risk of eroding public trust.
The Globe earlier this month requested the Police Department's use-of-force reports for Jan. 1, 2003, to Apr. 30, 2005.
Officers file the reports after they hit a person or use a weapon - including Tasers, which are weapons that deliver an electrical shock to their targets.
The city denied the newspaper's request for the overall use-of-force reports on Wednesday, saying that the reports are confidential personnel records.

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