Thursday, October 06, 2005

End of the Enlightenment

With new, radical religious movements on the rise globally, why is so much of the world bent on rejecting reason?
Across the world, millions of people feel threatened. They sense a dangerous enemy at the gates, committed to values and beliefs they fear and despise, and ready to impose its alien ideology on their government, their life and their children's futures.
Is that a threat you recognise? If so, then you know how religious fundamentalists feel. To them, the secular world of the early 21st century is a threat to all they hold most dear. In response, increasing numbers are joining militant religious groups and living, voting and battling for their beliefs. Like it or not, they already outnumber the secular rationalists whose thinking underpins today's western urban societies. And their numbers are growing by the day. What will that mean for the world as the 21st century unfolds?

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