Monday, October 03, 2005

Preregistration for Draft at Virginia DMV

All males are required to register for Selective Service when they turn 18 so that if the draft is reinstated there will be a ready pool of draftees. So why is a 15-year-old facing this issue at the DMV? Why is the parent of a 15-year-old involved in something that the young man will be required by law to do when he turns 18? And, most disturbing, why does a 15-year-old lose the privilege to drive when the beliefs of the parent are contrary to Virginia law?
In The Roanoke Times article ("Couple challenge Va. law on registering for draft," Aug. 30 news story), Andrew Snyder Beattie said that he intends to register for the Selective Service when he turns 18. It is his mother who is a conscientious objector and, because of her religious and moral beliefs, will not sign her 15-year-old son up for Selective Service. But then, why should she? Why should anyone have to "preregister" a child for something he will take care of himself when he reaches the age of 18?

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