Tuesday, March 08, 2005

RightMarch Puches to Allow Clergy to Campaign

"Over the past 50 years, our religious leaders have all but relinquished their free speech rights. Afraid to take a moral stand on civil matters, they instead sit in silence -- fearing IRS retribution. Many believe this silence could be one of the chief reasons why our nation's moral and spiritual health is in precipitous decline.
"Thankfully, legislation has been introduced in Congress to finally correct that. Rep. Walter Jones' (R-NC) has introduced H.R. 235, the "Houses of Worship Freedom of Speech Restoration Act." H.R. 235 amends the Internal Revenue Code to protect churches from losing their tax-exempt status because of the content, preparation, or presentation of any homily, sermon, teaching, dialectic, or other presentation made during religious services or gatherings. Rep. Jones' bill will permit church leaders to express personal views on political matters or elections during regular religious services without violating campaign finance laws, as long as such views are not disseminated beyond the members and guests assembled at such services."

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