Sunday, April 10, 2005

How would you remake CBS News?

Lizz Winstead has some interesting ideas, while Don Hewitt and Al Primo stick to what they know. Meanwhile, Mark Burnett's take is the most hilariously stereotypical piece ever written by a sleazy television producer. So, does anyone else have any ideas? [from]

Lizz Winstead (Daily Show founder) Gives Advice for CBS Evening News:

Excerpt: We're in a state now where - and we have been for a time - where the thought of the evening news, for me, is steadily becoming obsolescent. But there still needs to be some kind of information given at 6:30.
When I heard that Les Moonves wanted to, maybe, do the CBS Evening News as an ensemble - sort of like a morning show at night - I thought, "'We don't need to candy up the news any more."
What we learned for sure doing "The Daily Show" is that young people love controversy, and they love to be proven right, when they think they hear something someone did wrong. They like to really hear facts. That's why and all these other organizations are super-successful. Somebody is trying to break it down for them. Two things CBS News doesn't have right now are young people and credibility.
People are watching news on the internet, and watching a lot of the news stories that are told throughout the day on cable, with a constant spin. Why not do a show where you get people who take the big stories of the day, tell them in headline form, and then say: "This is how Fox, MSNBC, The New York Times, blah, blah, all covered this story. This is how they got it right, this is how they got it wrong."
The big complaint from everybody trying to get information these days is: Who is the media? What are they trying to tell me? Who's actually a journalist? Who's actually a spin doctor? Who's a liar?

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