Monday, April 04, 2005

Petition from Troops to Bush

Dear President Bush:
We, the undersigned, urge you to read Operation Truth's "After-Action Review," a report on the Iraq War composed entirely of unedited and uncensored feedback from the Troops who were there.
It is an invaluable and unprecedented source of information on the gritty details of our presence in Iraq and the daily concerns for our men and women in uniform. The troops offer positive comments as well as criticisms.
Regardless of politics, we must support the Troops and address their concerns. They are consummate professionals who have done the job they were asked to do without hesitation. They now need the Administration to support them in return, on issues such as mental health care, armor shortages and funding for Veterans' care.
Please read this report. It is the unvarnished truth, straight from the Troops.

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