Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Former Ambassador: Oil and gas ensure that the US backs the Uzbek dictator to the hilt

In 2002, the US gave Uzbekistan over $500m in aid, including $120m in military aid and $80m in security aid. The level has declined - but not nearly as much as official figures seem to show (much is hidden in Pentagon budgets after criticism of the 2002 figure).
The airbase opened by the US at Khanabad is not essential to operations in Afghanistan, its claimed raison d'ĂȘtre. It has a more crucial role as the easternmost of Donald Rumsfeld's "lily pads" - air bases surrounding the "wider Middle East", by which the Pentagon means the belt of oil and gas fields stretching from the Middle East through the Caucasus and central Asia. A key component of this strategic jigsaw fell into place this spring when US firms were contracted to build a pipeline to bring central Asia's hydrocarbons out through Afghanistan to the Arabian sea. That strategic interest explains the recent signature of the US-Afghan strategic partnership agreement, as well as Bush's strong support for Karimov.
· Craig Murray was British ambassador to Uzbekistan from 2002 to 2004

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