Symbols of America are as important as words. From the Statae of Liberty to the Lincoln Memorial to the American Bald Eagle, what you show can be as important as what you say. Use symbols to help convey your agenda more powerfully.
Talk about the principles of democracy and justice and explain how they fit into your policies. The public is ready for a philosophical discussion if you link philosophy to their day-to-day concerns.
It's time for the GOP to tackle and own the principle of fairness. Define fairness as "equality of opportunity."
When you speak of American ownership, be sure to frame it with the lens of opportunity. Ownership is limited, but THE OPPORTUNITY OF OWNERSHIP is limitless and the very definition of the American Dream.
People want politicians who will humanize, personalize and individualize their policies, as well as politicians who talk about "the next generation."
It is perfectly acceptable, if not imperative, that you address this values debate. And yes, it is FAMILY VALUES that Americans want and expect to see in you and in your policies.
Express the the day-to-day concerns of your constituents on a local/neighborhood level. No doubt you do, but you have to both show this and talk about it.
You need to be FOR something, rather than just AGAINST something.
Talk about "a more effective government" rather than no government, as well as a renewed focus on "goals and results, not partisanship or politics,"
Start and end with ACCOUNTABILITY. It matters most.
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